Diffuse Reality opens new record shop in Barcelona
Since the start of this record project headed by Rodrigo García (Squaric) back in 2013, Diffuse Reality has shown itself to be a powerful, dynamic label with an overwhelming strategy based on its own style and an elaborate periodicity of releases. Soon the project expanded with Teorema, a festival that has been held in cities on several continents and which was born as a new concept where creativity is broken down to show the public a process of elaboration based on research and the externalisation of an idea.
Once again the Diffuse Reality brand is expanding, this time as a vinyl record shop located in Barcelona, and the health situation we have been experiencing since last year has been largely to blame for this, as Diffuse Reality had consolidated itself as a promoter, with a series of events in cities such as Berlin, but as has happened to other djs and promoters, it had to stop its activity and take advantage of all this accumulated energy in the record label. The label is now located in a large industrial building near the central Plaza España in Barcelona.
This coming 22 September, Diffuse Reality will open its doors to the public so that they can investigate and immerse themselves, not only in its extensive catalogue, but also in an ocean of records, both new and second-hand, that land in Barcelona as a result of collaborations, friendships and synergies between the label and other independent labels and like-minded artists from all over the world.
This shop has been created with recycled materials and subsequently restored, much of its furniture has been collected from the street, as in addition to their commitment to underground music, they also seek to protect the environment. Live streamings will be offered from this venue.

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