
Pinocchio is an audiovisual experience framed within the ITmakES project, which consists of the creation of an original soundtrack of electronic music composed and performed live by the experimental techno band Miclono. Miclono is a sound and visual experimentation project that was born in 2016 in Alicante, an experimental electronic band whose main premise is the production of audiovisual shows and installations to be seen and experienced live.

Antamoro’s Pinocchio, the first film adaptation of Collodi’s classic published in 1883, represents to the highest degree the capacity of early cinema to become a melting pot of very diverse cultural series: from literature to circus shows and illustration. This first version of Collodi’s classic is a version restored by the Fondazione Cineteca Italiana.

Industrial Complexx publishes this sound experience in album format, Miclono’s first release. In addition, the album is accompanied by a book that tells the story of Miclono’s career, the story of how the Pinocchio project was conceived and other projects linked to this band from Alicante.

Artcover: Mimusa
Released: October 26, 2023
1. Intro
2. Gepetto’s House I
3. Thieves
4. Animal’s Country
5. The Whale
6. Indians Battle
7. Gepetto’s House II
8. Circus
9. Gepetto’s House III
10. Orphanage
11. Gepetto’s House IV


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